Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Explanation of Vygotsky and Piaget’s Theories Essay

There are many assessments of Vygotsky and Jean Piagets work during their lifetimes and deaths. Many of their theories have gone beyond what I am sure that they had expected for them too. Teachers, researchers and parents dabble in their theories of child development, social development and other theories when going about their lives. Whether it is a job or parenting it is a must to know about these two philosophers and what they believed to be real. Piaget is said to be the founder of cognitive development, he has changed the field of developmental psychology and because of him we no longer discussing strategies, rule-governed behaviors and representations but we do talk a lot about stimulus generalization, mental age, Conditioning, and†¦show more content†¦However, a child’s cognitive structures dictate nit just what they notice but what is accommodated to interpret. The nature of their intellectual commerce with the environment makes them manufacturers of their development. (Flavell, 1996) Piaget’s theory also allowed us a way to accept and understand that childrens cognitive behavior is intrinsically motivated. Social and other reinforcements do influence childrens cognitive explorations but children learn because of the way they are built. In Piaget’s mind cognitive adapts to the environment through assimilation. Also accommodation is a type of biological adaptation (Flavell, 1996). According to Piaget in order to characterize cognitive development in humans we need to understand co-present in cognitive activity which is cognitive structure (Flavell, 1996). Piaget was the first psychologist to try explaining describing cognitive development. His argument is that intellectual advances are made through the equilibration process that has three steps: the first step is for the cognitive equilibrium to de at a low development level; then, cognitive disequilibrium has to be induced by discrepant or inassimilable phenomena and lastly cognitive equilibration ha s to be at a higher developmental level. Although this model has lack of clarity and specificity, we are beginning to seeShow MoreRelatedPiaget And Vygotsky s Theories1008 Words   |  5 PagesComparing Piaget and Vygotsky Bruner (2015) discusses a time of great change in the world of psychology in Germany, America, and in Britain through contributions of several â€Å"new heroes [that] were much more holistic, much less reductionist†¦the worldwide major figures in the field of developmental psychology were now Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget†. 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