Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cultural profile of China The WritePass Journal

Cultural profile of China Cultural profile of China Chapter 11.0 Introduction1.1 Cross-cultural management1.2 Definition of culture1.3 Characteristics of cultureChapter 22.0 Cultural profile of China 2.1 Geert Hofstedes five cultural dimensions2.1.1 Power distance2.1.2 Individualism2.1.3 Masculinity2.1.4 Uncertainty avoidance2.1.5 Long-term orientation in ChinaChapter 33.0 Challenges and recommendations expand business to ChinaChallengeRecommendation3.2 Differences of business cultureChallengeRecommendation3.3 Guan Xi (Relationship)Recommendation3.4 Government RegulationChallengeRecommendation3.5 Legal EnvironmentChallengeRecommendation3.6 Local CompetitorsChallengeRecommendationChallengeRecommendation3.8 Business PartnerChallengeRecommendation  Chapter 44.0 ConclusionRelated Chapter 1 1.0 Introduction As an American Chinese, the cultural profile of a country that I am going to choose is China in this assignment. This is because the rate of GDP growth was strong in China in 2010 with an estimated 10% year-on-year growth. This means that it is benefits to the investors who are going to invest or expand business in China. Before U.S. companies decided to expand business into China, they must understanding the cultural profile of China in order to make profit on their business. To be clear about the Chinas cultural profile, Hofstedes five dimensions of culture are being applied into this assignment. Every country has their cultures. Therefore, here are the explanation about subject of cross-cultural management, explanation of culture, and characteristics of culture to provide a theoretical background for this report. 1.1 Cross-cultural management Basically human races came with different background. Cultural background. When people from one cultural background, meet, understand, interact and deal with people from other cultural background. That is a cross-cultural management. In recent years, with the increase in globalization and diversity in the workplace, cross cultural management has become an important element of organizational life. Cross-cultural management is the study of the behavior of the people in organization located in cultures and nations around the world. It focuses on the description of organizational behavior within countries and cultures, on the comparison of organizational behavior across countries and cultures, and, perhaps most importantly, in the interaction of peoples from different countries working within the same organization or within the same work environment (Nancy J. Adler, 1983). 1.2 Definition of culture Culture has been defined in a number of ways, but most simply, as the learned and shared behavior of a community of interacting human beings(J., Useem, R,1963). According to English Anthropologist Edward B Taylor, culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Culture gives us an identity which makes us unique and different from people of other cultures. The culture of the society becomes the dominant culture and those of the immigrants from the subculture of the community, when people with different cultures migrate and settle in another society. People usually settle in other nations imbibe the new culture; while at the same time strive to preserve their own. (Deepa Kartha, 2000-2011). 1.3 Characteristics of culture There are different characteristics or qualities of cultures throughout the world. First characteristic of culture is that culture is learned. Culture is not inherited; it is acquired through learning and experience. People can learn behavior patterns including language and many other attributes if they grow up with that particular culture. The second characteristic of culture is that culture is shared by a group of people. We can consider a thought or an action as a culture if it is commonly shared and believed or practiced by a group of people. It can be considered as their culture when a group of individual share and believe with each others. The third characteristic of culture is that culture is cumulative. The knowledge of culture can be passed from one generation to another generation. As time passed by, more and more knowledge is added in the particular culture. It may work out solutions of problems in the life as the particular culture goes with time. The fourth characteristic of culture is that culture is dynamic. This is the characteristic of culture that stems from the cultures cumulative quality. As there is no culture remains on the permanent state, culture is considered as changing frequently as added in new ideas and new techniques to change the old ways. The fifth characteristic of culture is that culture gives us a range of permissible behavior patterns. Culture has structure and is integrated as a change in one part will bring changes in another. It tells us how to dress based on gender, statue, occasions, and many more. Chapter 2 2.0 Cultural profile of China China is located in eastern Asia. China is formally known as ‘The People’s Republic of China’ (PRC). As the worlds population is approximately 6.7 billion, China represents a full 20% of the worlds population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China. Chinas population growth has been somewhat slowed by the one child policy, in effect since 1979 (Matt Rosenberg, 2010). Confucianism is a system of behaviors and ethics that stress the obligations of people towards one another based upon their relationship. The basic tenets are based on five different relationships in China which are ruler and subject, husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters, finally, friend and friend. Confucianism indicated the duty, sincerity, loyalty, honor, filial piety, respect for age and seniority (Mandarin Today, 2005). 2.1 Geert Hofstedes five cultural dimensions In this part, Geert Hofstedes cultural dimensions have been used to introduce cultural profile of China. He had analyzed about the way of culture influence working relationships in a multicultural environment along five dimensions which are power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term orientation in China. Below is the diagram of USA vs China by hofstedes five dimensions. Figure 1: USA vs China by Hofstedes five dimensions Source: According to figure 1, China has long-term orientation in the highest ranking factor and lowest individualism than United States. And also, it has high in masculinity, power distance and low in uncertainty avoidance culture compared to United States. 2.1.1 Power distance Power distance refers to the level of acceptance by a society of unequal distribution of power in institutions. The extent to which subordinates accept unequal power is socially determined. United States scores around 40 with low ranking power distance in figure 1. It indicates that there is a greater equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families in United States. This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment (Geert Hofstede,1967-2009). However, the power distance remains high in China which scores around 80 in the diagram above. This means that the Chinese society is characterized by a very high level of inequalities in power and wealth, and that these are accepted by the individuals (Carletti Mathilde, 2008). Also, the individual representing the authority in any organization (family, undertaking, etc.) is highly respected, because that individual has the dec ision-making power. In China, there is a strong differentiation of roles, competences and respect due, according to the individual’s position on the hierarchic scale. In China, individuals with power enjoy greater status and privilege than those without power, and subordinates are less likely to challenge or express disagreement with superiors (Matthew Earnhardt, 2009). In other words, the rank structure is clearly delineated between management and subordinates, and disagreement with management is frowned upon. Information control is one of the predominant sources of power in China. Critical information in China is selectively preserved instead of being distributed widely. It is quite obvious in e-government practices in China where branches of government purposely hold back some information and obstruct large-scale information sharing in order to keep their power and interests (Lucian E. Marin, 2010). 2.1.2 Individualism Individualism describes the relationship between the individual and the immediate community. The high individualism ranking for the United States (88) indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others (Kimberley Roberts Stephen Taylor, 1998-2008). However, low individualism is important for learning the Chinese way of thinking which scores 20 in figure 1. Interpersonal relationships and group affiliation are focused in China (Matthew Earnhardt, 2009). They will act with good manner at all the times and will not do anything that caused other people embarrassment in the public. It can be observed by the use of silence in structure meetings. A person will remain quite although a person   disagrees with what another person says, rather than disagree publicly,   This is giving respect to the other person, while speaking up would make both parties lost reputation. In China, a collectivistic culture, individuals are willing to sacrifice personal goals for the good of the group (Matthew Earnhardt, 2009). This loyalty is promoted across all aspects of Chinese culture, including the workplace. Loyalty is a highly regarded trait in a society where relationships are strong and is, therefore, it is importance to most of the Chinese people (Simon Kriss, 2006). This links back to their high long term orientation above. The collectivist thinking of a culture, China tends to be extremely parochial, with people and businesses not changing suppliers lightly for fear of the impact on relationships (Simon Kriss, 2006). So, it is a good idea to select a good strong partnership that has potential to last a long time when doing business with others. 2.1.3 Masculinity Masculinity refers to the role share between men and women, and the differences of equality that exist between the two genders. The highest the score the more assertive and competitive the culture (Masculine), the lowest the score the more modestly and caring (Feminine). The United States has score around 72.5 and China has score around 75 in the figure1. Therefore, China has high masculinity in their culture and has a strong role differentiation between men and women. Men hold most of the responsibility and power positions. The role of women in China is very limited, even though it seems to be taking more importance in the cities and more developed regions (Carletti Mathilde, 2008). Especially in the rural areas their status is inferior. The country is far from setting up men-women parity. This is the one dimension in which China most aligns itself to the rest of the world, and yet, it is often totally missed by businessman of United States, who think that the women in China are, fo r the most part, ignored (Piseth 2009). 2.1.4 Uncertainty avoidance Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which people in a society feel threatened by ambiguous situations. Uncertainty avoidance has many implications for leadership characteristics and leadership traits such as habitual, formal, cautious, and orderly is perceived as an outstanding form of leadership in some countries while a negative form in others (Matthew Earnhardt, 2009). A high ranking of uncertainty avoidance dimension in United States (45) is indicate that society has fewer rules and does not attempt to control all outcomes and results while doing business. It also has a greater level of tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs (Simon Kriss, 2006). But, China presents a low degree of acceptance of uncertainty which scored 30 is a characteristic of a society that does not try to take control of the future, and that is not afraid of unforeseen situations. It is also characteristic of a society that is more tolerant towards opinions, behaviors that are differ ent from its own, and changes (Carletti Mathilde, 2008). It is a more meditative society which does not feel the need of controlling its environment. 2.1.5 Long-term orientation in China The fifth dimension, long-term orientation specify the extent to which a culture is devoted or not devoted to â€Å"traditional, forward thinking values† (Hofstede, 2001). High or short-term orientation predispose countries to resist it or accept to change. In countries in which people display high long-term orientation suggests that the country has long-term commitments to tradition and fosters a strong work ethic as a plan for future rewards outweigh the need for rapid change. Cultures with a short term orientation focus on values such as ‘saving face’ and respecting tradition while cultures that focus on the longer term tend to focus on thrift and perseverance. The US has a scored around 29 in this dimension. China has the highest ranking for long-term orientation which scored around 110 in figure 2.1. China slow and steady wins the race for business deals compare with United States. China is having a building strong, reliable, lasting relationship which is the key for the Chinese (Eric Yee, 2008). A certain amount of trust must be gained before any decision is met. The Chinese prefer to deal with people they knew and trusted before starting to conduct business with others (Vincent Lo, 2011). It may take three to four times the length of time to finish the business deal after finish meeting. So if do not come to a fast agreement, dont be discouraged, make the client feel comfortable and show patience to Chinese. The Chinese never like to rush into things. The company has to maintain the relationship if want to do more business with Chinese. Chapter 3 3.0 Challenges and recommendations expand business to China To be successful in the Chinas market, the United States companies need to have an understanding of major practical challenges they may face in China. China has a different culture because the way they implement their business tends to differ from US. China market is a complicated filed to those companies that are familiar to the Chinese culture would be able to move around in the market. Hence, cultural differences are always the barriers between foreign companies and the locals. For a successful partnership, both parties need to learn more about each other culturally and their business styles (Starmass International 2001-2011). Below are the challenges that foreign company may face in China. 3.1 Communication Challenge There will be a failure business if misunderstanding happened when communicate with Chinas companies. Therefore, language barrier is the biggest challenges for many U.S. companies when they want to enter into the China market. Although there are an increasing number of Chinas people learning English, but there still have majority of locals are unable to communicate in English and also many foreigners are unable to speak Chinese. The way they written and verbal English spoken is totally different with Western countries. Recommendation Individuals need to understand what the other party wants before start to conduct business with Chinese people. By this, they have needed to spend money for hiring person who can carry the responsibility to interpret and as an effective translator to communicate with the locals. Individuals are required to provide their interpreter the relevant information which can effectively execute their task in work. It is better to spend some time to discuss with the interpreter what an individual want to achieve out before each of the meeting to avoid any negotiations. 3.2 Differences of business culture Challenge Foreign investors unfamiliar with the business culture in China are the second major reasons that they failed to enter the China market. To be succeeded in the China, the U.S. investors cannot simply apply their own business models into China market. Due to the culture difference, many of them do not always adapt to accept Chinas standard. As Chinese are very respectful to others, they tend to carry out their business according their beliefs and values. Chinese would like to seek others opinions and advices before making any decision but that take longer time. If the investors do not respect Chinese, there will not have deal between both parties. Hence, U.S. investors need to respect them while talking or having meeting with Chinese. Recommendation The U.S. companies should take more time to do research on the Chinas business culture with fully understanding it. This action may help them to do business with Chinese people in the long-run. The investors have to understand that the Chinese are not indecisive but rather respecting the view of others in doing business. Hence, they must be more patient when dealing business with Chinese. But once they decide to move ahead, the investors must get ready for it because Chinese may expected to proceed it immediately. 3.3 Guan Xi (Relationship) Challenge China likes to build strong relationship in their business compare to United States. It is an important element in achieving successful business in China. However, many U.S. investors may think that it is wasting time in socializing but to the Chinese, it is all the part of the business. Chinese more prefer to work with someone who more familiar with them to reduce disagreement and conflict. Thus, they need to develop wide interpersonal relationship with Chinese. Recommendation The company would benefit in many different ways with buildup good relationship in China. First, a trust would be able to establish between U.S companies and locals. Thus, they would be very comfortable working with each other. Second, good relationship may helps to resolve any problems if a company would to encounter any problems in any field. The investors must learn how to socialize like sing karaoke, having drinks and so on. It is important when entertain or having fun with Chinese. It does not matter whether you are a gifted singer or not. Besides that, the investors must learn how to drink. If you hear ganbei that means Chinese expected you to empty your cup and have fun with them. There are a good places and better ways to build up relationship with them. 3.4 Government Regulation Challenge Chinas government placed heavy restriction on foreign investment in the retail sector. Under the restriction, investors must make concessions on the size and independence of their business to access Chinas market. However, the investors must go through stricter licensing procedures compared to other domestic competitors. They could apply approval only from the government to establish business in China. The investors must first obtain a business license from MOFCOM and then registration approval from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC). The licensing process is also opaque and can be slow and inconsistent, adding extra costs and burdens for the investor. In recent years, pushed by foreign business communities and governments, MOFCOM and SAIC have delegated certain approval authorities to local governments and streamlined the licensing processes for foreign retail investors (US-China Business Council (2010). Recommendation A strong government relationship remains an important factor to do business successfully in China as Chinas government plays an important role in influencing market movement and administering foreign investments. There are unnecessary procedures and delays if the foreign companies have good relationship with the government officials. This is because China is not a free-market economy and it has an authoritarian communist government. While they employ some of the same terms and strategies as full-fledged capitalist markets, political control is everywhere (Ehow, 2011). 3.5 Legal Environment Challenge Before enter into China market, U.S. investors have to be familiar with the China market laws. The china laws may be frustrating as they seem to be very complicated. In China, the wording of contract may look relatively vague compared to what you are used to. If any dispute arises, consider the contract as a guide, but do not expect it to offer much protection legally. Recommendation Interacting with the locals would allow a better understanding of the Chinese culture and laws and it will be useful in doing business. Hence, a lot of foreign companies would undertake a local company as partner to help them with the registration process and negotiation with the Chinese. 3.6 Local Competitors Challenge One of the challenges that U.S. investors need to be faced are the local competitors. However, one must not overlook small local companies in the China market as the Chinese have a very strong national pride thus they tend to be more supportive towards their local products. Recommendation U.S. companies would really need to do a detailed market and consumer research if they want not only enter the China market but also market their products to the local market. The investors can also seek for the outside help when trying to get into the China market. The Chinese culture would help tremendously when approaching familiar with the China market as they would know the tactic on how to handle any problems. 3.7 Local Pride Challenge In addition, U.S companies do not really know what are the preferences and needs of the Chinese consumers in China. Chinese consumers often prefer to deal with local, Chinese-run companies rather than western enterprises. This also extends to favored treatment from political officials, and it can influence bids on projects and other ventures. Carrying out a consumer research may not be very useful as the information collected may not truly reflect the true responses as the Chinese may not be comfortable giving out information to foreign researches. Recommendation There are normally more reliable if companies engage a local research company to carry out the market analysis research. As low cost of material and labour in China, the products that the U.S. companies offers must at the cheaper level to compare with the local products. 3.8 Business Partner Challenge It is not an easy task for foreign investors to find a good business partner to build up business. A good business partner shares your vision and enthusiasm, bringing expertise in the areas in which you are inexperienced. Its someone who understands the legal and financial responsibilities endemic to sharing a business. Most importantly, its someone with whom you get along. Recommendation Most of the U.S. companies are not well in network of China because they are unable to find reliable business partners in China markets and meet a lot of bureaucratic problems as they are unfamiliar with the laws of China. Therefore, it is important to choose a right business partner. He or she as a business partner in China must be able to speak well in both English and Mandarin. Having enthusiasm for the companys products, strong relationship with import and export agencies and also appropriate storage of the companys products are the factors as a reference for the foreign company to choose a good business partner. In addition, a strong and stable financial background is the most important factor for the company to make sure individuals are able to be a responsible business partner with them.   Chapter 4 4.0 Conclusion In this section, I would like to conclude that it is important to understand others cultural profile before start doing business with them. Geert Hofstede five cultural dimensions in China which are long-term orientation, individualism, masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance are important elements for the foreign investors to understand cultural profile of China. Once they started to understand the Chinese culture, the foreign investors can have a good cooperation with the locals and succeed to develop their enterprise in China. Maintaining good relationships in China is very important to help foreign investors to success in the China market. Chinese are making business deal depend on how much they see your personal relationship with them. Being respectful and do not make others lose their reputation in the public are the ways to build relationship with Chinese. Besides that, collectivist dimension of Chinese culture where the group is more important than the individual. From this assignment, I learned how it is essential to understand the different culture in an unfamiliar country. And also, I had understand to the Chinese culture or ways to doing things in their business dealing. Besides that, communication tools and skills to face the challenges are learned through this assignment.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Not all hybrids have electric motors and batteries

Not all hybrids have electric motors and batteries When it comes to transportation, hybridization is not new. Hybrid cars and trucks that combine an electric motor with a gasoline engine date back to the turn of the 20th century. Hybrid diesel-electric locomotives have been in operation for years, and in the 1970s, small numbers of diesel-electric buses began to appear. On a smaller scale, a moped is a hybrid - it combines the power of a gasoline engine with the pedal power of the rider. So, any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power is considered a hybrid vehicle (HV). Today, when hybrid and vehicle are used together - think Toyota Prius, Ford Fusion Hybrid or Honda Civic Hybrid - that vehicle, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, is a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV). Each of these vehicles combine an internal combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor that receives electricity from a battery pack. Today’s gasoline- and diesel electric hybrid systems are very complex, high-tech wonders in design and operation. Components include controllers, generators, converters, inverters, regenerative braking and, of course, a battery pack - either nickel-metal hydride or lithium ion. HEVs offer benefits that their conventional gasoline or diesel counterparts do not have - increased fuel economy and fewer harmful emissions coming out the tailpipe. But to achieve the same results not all hybrid vehicles require electric motors and batteries. Here’s a look at three alternative hybrid systems. One is now employed in big trucks and could find its way into cars, one is likely to appear in a 2016 BMW and the third could be on the road in three years. Hydraulic - Not Just For The Big Dogs Last August I featured an article about a hydraulic hybrid system that has made its way into big diesel refuse trucks, the ones that come around once a week and pick up our trash. On a good day, a garbage hauler will eke out 4 to 5 mpg. Then there are all those icky, nasty pollutants pouring out of the exhaust stacks. But thanks to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), yes, those same government folks who monitor environmental laws and fuel mileage testing, a hydraulic hybrid system they pioneered increases fuel economy in the big rigs by as much as 33 percent and reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) by 40 percent. The principal of the hydraulic system is similar to a HEV. It recovers a portion of the energy normally lost as heat by the vehicle’s brakes. But instead of a battery pack, a hydraulic system uses pistons to capture the wasted energy by compressing nitrogen gas stored in a tank, called an accumulator. When the driver lets off the accelerator pedal, the wheels drive a hydraulic pump that pumps hydraulic fluid to compress the nitrogen gas and slows the truck down. When the driver accelerates, the nitrogen is allowed to expand and pushes a piston in a cylinder filled with hydraulic fluid. This action assists the diesel engine in turning the rear wheels. The hydraulic system performs remarkably well on the big dog trucks, but what about light duty trucks or passenger cars? The Center For Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP), a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota is working on that. The center’s â€Å"Generation 2† vehicle - a Ford F-150 pickup - utilizes a custom-built continuously variable power split hydraulic transmission. It is complemented with hydraulic accumulators to enable hybrid operation. To be competitive, the system must demonstrate advantages over BEVs. Design specifications for the vehicle include: vibration and harshness comparable to a passenger vehicle; a 0 to 60 mph time of 8 seconds; climb a grade of 8 percent; emissions that meet California standards; and the big one, fuel economy of 70 mpg under the federal drive cycles. Steaming Along Twin brothers Francis and Freelan Stanley, inventors of the Stanley Steamer, would likely approve of BMW’s innovative use of the same principal that worked to power their steam engine cars more than 100 years ago to improve the efficiency in modern vehicles. Called Turbosteamer, this system uses wasted heat energy from an engine’s wasted exhaust gases to contribute power to the automobile. This steam assist system starts with a heat exchanger located between the engine and the catalyst that turns water into steam. The pressurized steam is then carried to what is essentially a small steam engine. A second, smaller steam engine produces a little more mechanical energy. I began following this technology in 2005 when BMW said the two steam engines combined generated 14 horsepower and 15 pounds-feet of torque on a 1.8-liter four-cylinder engine. Additionally, fuel economy improved by 15 percent in overall driving. The automaker also said it intended to make the Turbosteamer ready for volume production in a number of its vehicles within a decade. Well, it’s 10 years later, will it see production? Since then, researchers and engineers focused on reducing the size of the components and making the system simpler to improve dynamics. They came up with an innovative expansion turbine based on the principle of the impulse turbine. The system is now smaller, costs less and the developers say fuel consumption is reduced by up to 10 percent during highway driving. While the Turbosteamer can’t compare its greenness to the BMW i3 all-electric car, a 10 percent improvement in fuel economy for an â€Å"Ultimate Driving Machine† is nothing to sneeze at. It’s possible a Turbosteamer equipped BMW vehicle will be introduced next year. Not Just A Bunch Of Hot Air The idea that compressed air could power a viable zero emissions car has been pursued for years by many respected engineers. In 2000, there was much ado about a new compressed air, zero pollution vehicle from French inventor and Formula One engine builder, Guy Nà ¨gre. His company, Motor Development International (MDI), rolled out an urban-sized car, taxi, pickup and van that were powered by an air engine. Instead of those tiny, tiny explosions of gasoline and oxygen pushing the pistons up and down, like in a normal internal combustion engine, the all-aluminum four-cylinder air engine used compressed air for the job. A hybrid version, using a small gasoline engine to power an onboard compressor for a constant supply of compressed air, was claimed to be able to travel from Los Angeles to New York on just one tank of gas. In 2007 MDI signed an agreement with Tata Motors, India’s largest automobile manufacturer to produce air cars in 2008, followed by the hybrid version in 2009. No cars were produced. That’s perhaps one of the reasons compressed air-powered cars have been the butt of jokes among the green car community. Today, the number of jokes has diminished. That’s the result of Peugeot’s introduction of the 208 HYbrid Air 2L Prototype at the 2014 Paris Auto in October. (Full Review). It employs a compressed air tank that turns a hydraulic motor for additional power or zero emissions city driving rather than a battery for the same functions. Like a BEV, during normal driving the car is powered by the gasoline engine. Compressed air is called upon for additional power when passing or traversing a hill. In this situation, power from both the engine and hydraulic motor are directed to the front wheels via an epicyclic transmission, similar to the planetary gear set transmission used by the Toyota Prius. In city driving, where less power is needed and emissions-free driving is the priority, rather than power provided by a battery, the compressed air alone motivates the car. The compressed air tank is recharged when braking or by using part of the energy developed by the three-cylinder gasoline engine to compress the air. During the Pairs Show, Peugeot said if another large auto manufacturer would buy into the technology to enable production in enough numbers to assure manufacturing affordability, the HYbrid Air could be on the market in three or so years. Two reports from Europe are suggesting, without naming the car company, that Peugeot has found an interested partner. Last Word It’s not certain that any of these three alternative hybrid systems will be available in production vehicles, and if they are, what kind of an impact they will have in the marketplace. What is clear is, electricity in the drivetrain isn’t the only way to hybridize a vehicle.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance For International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance For International Business - Essay Example The article presents the financing and the methods of capital budgeting. Capital budgeting is defined as the planning process which is applied by the managers of the company to decide whether the long-term investments are worth the supplying/funding of money through the capitalization structure of the company. Fenland Foods Plc should opt for debt financing method if it considers investing in the project in spite of the negative results of the Fresh Farm because it does not require sharing the company’s part with the investor. Financing through bank loan will be the better option because raising a loan through the bank will give the freedom to Fenland to run the Fresh Farm Foods Company without any intrusion from the lender. By opting for the bank loan, Fenland could also enjoy the tax benefits as the interest paid on loans are generally deducted from the income before computing the taxable income. The capital asset pricing model provides a practical risk measure that helps the investors to resolve what return they actually deserve for placing their money or capital at risk. It is recommended that Fenland Foods Plc should not undertake the project as the NPV of Fresh Farm Foods is negative and also the payback period is more than five years which signifies that Fenland will not be a ble to quickly pay the finances. It is also advised that if Fenland considers undertaking this project in spite of its negative result then they may invest  £400,000 which is less than the initial investment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Clinical Audit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Clinical Audit - Research Paper Example Between September 20th 2010 and September 22nd 2010, 21 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 21 patients. 11 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. While 12 procedures out of 21 complied with guidelines the rest was of a diverse character such as non compliance, unavailability of guidelines and antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines. According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patie nts. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients.... According to this analysis it is clear that antimicrobial prophylaxis was to be given to elective patients either a few hours before or during the procedure. Though the level of compliance was considerable there was no proper indication as to how much such compliance produced qualitative and quantitative positive results by way of increasing the degree of response by patients to antimicrobial prophylaxis. Between September 23rd 2010 and September 25th 2010, 14 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 14 patients. 7 elective patients were to be given Co-Amoxiclav. Only 4 patients out of 7 were given Co-Amoxiclav while others were given combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. Only 9 procedures out of 14 complied with guidelines and the other procedures were of a different character. For example there were cases of non compliance and therefore the efficacy of antimicrobial prophylaxis could not be determined. Between September 26th 2010 and September 28th 2010, 19 surgical procedures were to be carried out on 19 patients. 10 elective patients were to receive Co-Amoxiclav. While some of them were to receive only Co-Amoxiclav others were to receive combinations that included Co-Amoxiclav. For example Teicoplanin, Gentamicin, Metronidazol were other antibiotics received by the patients. 14 procedures were complied with the guideline out of 19 procedures while the other procedures did not comply with the guidelines due to various reasons such as missing guidelines, antibiotics being out of compliance guidelines and procedures being cancelled. From September 29th 2010 to October 01st 2010, 25 surgical procedures were carried out on 25 patients. 11 elective patients were given

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Change of Jem and Scout Essay Example for Free

The Change of Jem and Scout Essay She began to see how cruel the world could be to someone who is a little different or strange. She gained the knowledge of the pure hate that one man can show another. The kid’s relationship with Atticus starts out normal. Though, as the story progresses, they recognized he’s different then other men. This shows when Scout says â€Å"He did not do the things our schoolmates’ fathers did: he never went hunting, did not play poker or fish or drink or smoke. He sat in the livingroom and read† (pg 89). Atticus had the courage to take the case of a black man, Tom Robinson. It was obvious they didn’t stand a chance going against a white man in court but Atticus did it anyways. He did something that no other man would do, not for the glory, but because he can show a great example to his kids and it is the right thing to do. The kids learned not to be prejudice and not be ashamed if they have friends who are a different race then they are, for example Calpurnia. The way the children’s relationship changed about Boo is probably the most interesting part in the book. It went from an obsession to an unconditional love. First the children believed that anything that comes from the Radleys property is poison. Jem yells at Scout once saying about the Radley property: â€Å"Dont you know youre not supposed to even touch the trees over there? Youll get killed if you do! † (pg. 33). The kids didn’t know that Boo admired them, even though he barely knew them. After a while they noticed that Boo was giving them little hidden presents, and they realized that he is the one who folded and sewed together Jem’s pants. He showed an unconditional love that most people his age would not show. When Boo saved the children’s lives, he proved that he loved them. He was so kind that he risked his own life for the children, and that is why Scout grows to loved him, instead of being tremendously scared of him. Jem’s faith in truth and justice is very badly damaged. When the shameful courtroom proceedings are over he retreats into a troubled state of deep disillusionment. Prejudice and racism do not make any sense to Jem, because he never noticed it in his environment. He does not understand why all of this is happening. The kids matured a lot during the course of this book, especially Scout. She went from a six year old child with no knowledge of the real world to an about ten year old who had a lot of life’s most important lessons shown to her at a very young age. They had to learn, very quickly, that life would not always be easy, fun and fare. We cannot let children face the ugliness that they learned. It was too much, to fast, even for Scout who is so smart. We must show love to everyone so that children will show love back.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Jazz :: essays research papers

The conceptual idea of humanism has existed since before the years of Christ. Biblical records state that when man was created he was made in the image of God. This image has been passed down throughout the civilizations of Greece ,Egypt, and Roman times and it has been passed down to our civilization of today. The evidence of this is in the art of yesterday and the way we view art of today. The way we view art today is in such a way that we feel and conceptualize what we create. We create things in the image of how we view our life, our civilization, and our status in this civilization. In applying the things stated in the previous thought to the human life the result will be art . Culture is a distinct component of what society is. Culture is in all essence what culture does. The whole purpose of culture is to in a way define a specific race or creed. Culture is what makes us unique and very individual. An example of this is myself and my cousin named Brandon. We are both in the same family and we both have been raised with the same values but what makes us different is the culture we have adopted in our lives to help us define the way we feel about ourselves and the way we feel about society. I feel as if the afro-American race is moving in a progressive manner towards unity and he feels as if the Afro-American race as a whole is moving towards separation by the complexion of their skin. The culture that I have adopted has shaped my views and ideas and the culture he has adopted has shaped his thoughts and ideas. My ideas are not better than his nor are his better than mine ,just different. Civilization is defined as many things but you can only define what is civil for your own civilization. Many people have a definition of what a civilization is but when they make this definition it is by their own standards which is wrong. A civilization is a place or group of people who can defend themselves from enemies, get or create a quantity of food, establish a currency, and develop a trade with others. In America we view life as a sacred and very precious thing . In other countries death is viewed as the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Globalization, Culture and Indigenous Societies Essay

Globalization describe by Richard Wilk is the world wide impact of industrialization and its socioeconomic, political, and cultural consequences on the world, which include migration of labor, increaing spread of industrial technology. Technology is moving at a rapid pace, that when a indivdual purchases a computer of the shelf, the technology is already obsolete. With the advancement of technology, it is causing countries to become modernizied. Such as inda, which was at one point a third world, but is now becoming mecha, for new businesses. But with monderization, comes dependency, such as with the invetion of the car, we have become depenent on oil, such so that we no longer get the majority of our oil from america, but from other countries. Companys the exxion, pay a certain amount of money for this oil, and will sell it to the consumer for 3 or 5 times the amount they paid, knowing the that consumer will pay the price set by the company, thus exploiting the consumer. Companys our now exploiting other countries, like china, they will out source products to be built in china, and charge the chinese worker a wage of lets say 50 cents an hour, instead or the americans work $9. 25 an hour to make the same product. With the rapid expansion of globalization, has change a lot of countries, it has in some cases, destroyed cultures, mainly for the countires resources. With epansion can come cultural change, someimes it is forced, case in point the mbuti tribe. The Mbuti, had been in contact with ousiders for centuries, but chose to retain their tradional way of life. During the colonial peroid, government officials tried to resettle the mbuti. The resettling was a disaster. It isnt the first time a government has tried to move a society of peole, one such case is the native american of north america. The united states put the native amerians on reservation, one such tribe would be the navajo indians. Globalization has had negative impact on a lot of small societys. It has destroyed their culture, their land, the people themselves to some extent. But in bigger societys, it has caused a triving oasis. But the downfalls our dependency. If we were to gradually, incorpate globalization of what bigger societys, in to smaller societys it would allow the intergration of the old and new, to eventually over time, it would evolve into something new. Such inda, and its marriage practices, the man works the women takes care of the home, but there our some women who want to work and take care of the home. Chapter Globalization in latin america, africa and the caribbean Globlization had a major impact in latin amercia in the 1500s. During this time, a man named hernado, cortes a spanierd, help start a rebellion, in the aztec empire. He gave the aztects non native weapons such as guns, to rebel against their ruler, Montezuma. The aztec state quickly crumpled. But it didnt stop their, the spanish wanted more territory, with the help of their native americans, the went to conquer mesoamerica, including Mexico, Honduras, and guatemala as well as parts of norh amercia, such as california. They exploited the people and land, by developing mining, commercial agricuture, and live stock raising and trading. This drastically transformed the sociocultural systems of the the americas. In Africa, societies exploited the country but use of slavery. In Africa this system included slaves who were attached to the extended families and be came part of the domestic social unit and as such could marry, own property and were protected from mutilation and murder.. But in western countries thought of them as property and did not have personal rights, could never be incorporated into the owners domestic family or social system. In the Caribbean islands because they did not have a large agricutrual resource, the colonial powers intrduced commercialized agricutrual usually in the form of sugrar plantations. In some cases, globalization can back fire, is various parts of south america, revolts started happing, and with the migration of various, peoples, south america become intermingled. Religions evolved, as well as devolved. The globalization of africa and south america, drasically change its land scape and its people forever. Many people lost their homes as well as their heritage. The africans lost a country when they were brought to the americas to become slaves. They lost many freedoms.. Chapter 15 Globalization in the middle east and asia. Just as in latin america, africa and the Caribbean, globalization had a negative impact for coutries in the middle east and in asia. With colonization, can dieses, and death. At one point weastern societies, tried to change the religion of many countries in the middle east as well as in various countries in asia. For the most part they did not succeed. Just as in south america, when came to colonization in the middle east and in asia, there came revolution. But some were more peace then others such as mohandas gahdis protests for indias independence from the British. Unlike china’s protests which were more violent, which lead to china forming a communist movement. These revolts and protects, change many countries, thus forming newer countries in the process. When these countries changed, some became very wealth while others became poor, for example, some countries in the middle east, had oil, many others did not. In the middle east, the Islamic tradition and Arab culture influence the patterns of family life and gender. With the globalization of the middle east and asia, came change, but mostly the change was met with revolution and for the most part it was a very violet one. Some countries tried to isolate them selves such as china, from the rest of the outside world. When you have a society that is trying to drastically change another culture it is almost always going to be met with hostility. But what comes out of it, when the dust settles, it could be go or band. But usually the change eventually turns out to be good.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

German Economy Essay

One of the major sectors of German economy is the exports of this country that has accounted for a great percentage of financial output. In this regard, more than twenty-five percent of the national German output has been due to the heavy exports that have increased significantly during the last decade. In the year 2004, GDP of Germany was contributed by forestry, mining, and agriculture sector at a very lesser extent, as compared to the other sectors in the country. Despite Germany is going through a high level of industrial revolution, forest has covered more than twenty-five percent of German’s territory. In the year 2003, more than seventy percent of Germany’s gross domestic product was accounted by services sector of the country. In this regard, more than seventy percent of the workforce was employed by this sector. On the other hand, metals, textiles, chemicals, vehicles, foodstuffs, and machinery are major imports of the country, which plays a vital and crucial role in the economy of Germany. In the year 2003, a positive of US$55 billion was the account balance of payments and currency of Germany. The paper will now discuss the abovementioned areas of German economy with detailed analysis, and hope will be beneficial for experts and economists in the better understanding of German Economy. In this competitive era, a number of economies are enjoying a vital position, and Germany is one of the countries that have been able to construct a very important place in terms of its economy. In terms of exchange rate of the United States, the German economy is considered the third largest out of the other major economies of the world. Moreover, the economy of Germany has a very strong power of purchasing, which has resulted in its place as the fifth largest around the globe. In the European continent, the economy of Germany is the largest of all the other economies, which has provided it with a number of opportunities and significance in this economic world. Geographically, Germany enjoys a central place in the continent, which is one of the other reasons behind the significance and exposure of opportunities to the German individuals and businesses. A number of difficulties and confrontations can be observed in the economic history of Germany, such as structural problems related to the East Germany, as well as, different structural problems that have continued since a last decade in the country. (Smyser, 1993) The German government has imposed and implemented a number of policies that have provided significant opportunities for its economy to strengthen in the world. In this regard, one of the major steps taken by the German government is the promotion of establishment of free enterprises, as well as, competition that has provided a competitive and friendly environment to the businesses and individuals in the country. However, various sectors are selected for the distribution of financial support by the state organizations. In the response of such steps taken by the government and related organizations, the economy of Germany has achieved a momentous space in the midst of other economic powers of the globe. In addition, different sectors have achieved strategic importance with the help of different policies by the German government. Thus, a number of factors and reasons are responsible and should be credited for the strengthening and powerful role that has been played by economy of the Germany. One of the major sectors of German economy is the exports of this country that has accounted for a great percentage of financial output. In this regard, more than twenty-five percent of the national German output has been due to the heavy exports that have increased significantly during the last decade. In the result, German economy has expanded traditionally in a macroeconomic manner with the support of heavy exports from different business sectors and industries of the country. Moreover, economic and political incorporation is another basic policy of the German economy, and such policy has been promoted on the continental level in the Europe. In the result, the European Union and its member countries have appreciated and encouraged the introduction and implementation of German economies policies at a higher extent. (Siebert, 2005) Similarly, a number of legislations related to the single markets in the European Union have been established and formulated based on German economic policies. The Euro is the common European currency used by most of the countries in the European continent. In this regard, Germany has implemented the usage of same currency in the country, which has resulted in the exposure of more opportunities related to the strengthened economy of Germany in the region. Frankfurt city in the Germany has the European Central Bank, which is responsible for the formulation of monetary policy of the country, which decides the future prospects for the coming years related to the economy of Germany. (Smith, 1994) Addressing domestic structural problems is another major concern of the German government, which has been agreed and encouraged by most of the German and the foreign experts in the region. In the year 2003, the labor market was deregulated by the gradual steps of German government. In this way, high unemployment rate was tackled in an effective manner. In the West Germany, more than seven percent of fall was observed in the unemployment rate in the country, which was the visible fact of deregulation of the labor market. However, there is still a huge room for improvement in the eastern part of Germany, which has an employment rate of more than fourteen percent in the region. (Scott, 2002) However, the German government is playing a vital role in the addressing of different issues related to the economy of Germany. For instance, high non-wage labor costs have also been addressed by the government with the help of implementation of different policies related to it. Many businesses were burdened due to the imposition of bureaucratic parameters in the past, which was addressed by the present and previous governments during the last decade. Nowadays, it has become quite easy and trouble-free to establish a business in the Germany. New entrepreneurs have been encouraged, especially, in the export sectors of the country. In the result, a major and significant improvement can be observed in the economy of Germany, which is very much export-oriented in nature. (Siebert, 2005) In terms of facts, nine percent of growth was observed in the export year of 2007. In the result, some of the business experts deemed the Germany as the biggest exporter in the world. In the year 2006, more than two percent of growth was observed in the gross domestic product of the country. Moreover, it is estimated that the following years will achieve higher percentage of GDP due to excellent growth in the exports of the country. However, the domestic market of the country is confronting structural problems that can result in some economic issues in the country. Over more than a decade, the labor sector is confronting stagnant wages, which is one of the crucial causes behind the weakness of the domestic market in Germany. In Germany, reunification is financed with the contributions of social insurance companies. Since the 1990s, high wage demands are not observed in unions in the Germany, which has resulted in the conservation of competitiveness among the German workers. Between the years 1990 to 2005, two percent of decline was observed in the net income on an average in Germany, according to the Federal-Statistical Office of the country. However, wage demands from the unions have been raised significantly, as compared with the abovementioned union demands. In the year 2004, GDP of Germany was contributed by forestry, mining, and agriculture sector at a very lesser extent, as compared to the other sectors in the country. Approximately two percent of German population was given employment in the abovementioned sectors. The eastern states of the country have reported to observe a great reduction in the employment rate. After the reunification process, more than seventy percent of workers in the agricultural sector were declined. However, domestic production in the agricultural sector resulted in the fulfillment of more than ninety percent of dietary and food requirements of the country’s population. In the European Union, the agricultural production is being lead by Germany, which has been followed by Italy and France in the European continent. In this regard, wheat, barley, cabbages, and potatoes are some of the major agricultural products in Germany.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Plan for a Dream Vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada

The Plan for a Dream Vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada Visiting to one of the most popular cities of Nevada, Las Vegas, may seem like an endless party, where each member is eager to continue entertaining, without sleeping all days and nights in order to enjoy the beauty of this city, if it is possible. Huge buildings, touching the sky, multicolored lights, making the city brighter and even warmer, and people afoot – all this creates a picture of a lively city that is always ready to accept one more visitor and present the world, full of events and happiness, to him/her. â€Å"What matters is that, like an oasis mirage in a parched desert, Las Vegas is whatever you desire most, if only for a day, a night or a dirty weekend. Here, everyone lives like the King† (Benson 2007). There are 5 evident reasons to visit Las Vegas, Nevada: (1) an ability to watch amazing shows any time you want; (2) a good chance to observe a Pyramid, Ancient Rome, and the Eiffel Tower; (3) a possibility to drink for free visiting different casinos; (4) a great opportunity to win much and be recognized by the world or loose everything; (5) a funny and unforgettable place to get married. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Plan for a Dream Vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Las Vegas is worth visiting for many reasons, and I, as a sophisticated travel agent, am ready to introduce you this city and prove that you will never forget your vacations and your trip to Las Vegas, where an opportunity to relax, gamble, and meet new people are available all the time. The Description of the Target Group The chosen target group for vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada has rather clear purposes to relax, to rejuvenate, and simply to have fun. The choice of this city is obvious: Las Vegas is created for fun, shopping, gambling, and various entertainments, and if people want to have the most amazing vacations ever, the city is waiting for them. Las Vegas attracts the attention of more that 35 million people annually (Moehring Green, 2005), and it is never too much for it to accept one more visitor and open its doors with pleasure. The age range of my group is around 35-45 years. It is the most perfect target group because of several reasons. First of all, people of this age usually have successfully established careers, and their fiscal freedom allows them to visit any country and any city in order to relax or just enjoy this life annually. Household income of the family, the members of which are under the age of 35-45, is about $80,000 per year (Biederman, 2007). People’s abilities to control their income and support each member of the family provide families with opportunities to visit such cities like Vegas and spend a couple of thousands there. Lifestyle dimensions of this target group are connected to luxury and expensive and of course comfortable conditions. If people go on trip, they prefer to choose air transport i n order to spend less time, use the best services, and enjoy the vacation. In spite of the fact that comfort is inherent to this group, people like to see the sights in crowds and eat standard food during the tours. People under the age of 35-45 prefer both venturers and dependable trips. The latter is used in order to be sure that their vacation will not be spoiled by unpredictable situations or the absence of the necessary comfort, this is why they take short trips and choose standard accommodations. The representatives of venturers prefer new destinations each year and like to buy souvenirs and gifts in order to remember the vacation and have something to share with people from native places.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada The target group under analysis is going to visit Las Vegas. The choice of this city corresponds to almost a ll characteristics, which have been mentioned above about this group of people. First of all, 35-45-year-old people can permit themselves visiting different cities and their sights, spending certain sums of money, and enjoy the beauty of the chosen cities. Las Vegas is the city of gambling and fun, this is why those people, who earn enough money and like different types of entertainment, will certainly find this city interesting and magnificent in many senses. The peculiar feature of Las Vegas trips is the necessity to plan it beforehand: booking hotel rooms in order to have a place to stay for a while, buying tickets in order to have a chance to reach the city comfortably and quickly, and pointing out the places, which you want to see at first, in order to find out when it is possible to visit it and spend less time to enjoy everything (Benson, 2008). Government and Tourism. Current economic crisis creates numerous challenges for the sphere of tourism and travel, and the efforts of the government to support Las Vegas’ vacations play a significant role nowadays. The role of government becomes crucial because only this body is able to support the industry of tourism on its national and international level, to roll out promotions in the state and out of it, and to offer incentives in order to attract investors and develop projects. As a rule, economic factors become the major ones: generation of jobs, incomes, and taxes should be evaluated in order to pay for numerous public services. However, cooperation of government and tourism may be characterized by both positive and negative outcomes. On the one hand, government can provide the necessary promotional support as well as tourist police protection and consular services in order to manage crisis and promote tours. On the other hand, out- and in-bound requirements may hurt the industry and mistakenly reward some and disappoint the others (Biederman, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom es say sample on The Plan for a Dream Vacation to Las Vegas, Nevada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sustainable Tourism. The idea of sustainable tourism becomes more crucial due to tourism’s dependence on some cultural and natural resources. It is about â€Å"the minimization of negative impacts and the maximization of positive impacts† (Weaver, 2006, p. 10). Tourists’ activities in Las Vegas have to be rationed to help conserve the area: due to the great amount of tourists every year, it is extremely important to develop approaches and meet the demands of tourists as well as native citizens. The societal issues in Las Vegas do not face any challenges or troubles, because people and culture in Las Vegas are properly comprehended by the tourists and usually appreciated. Those tourists, who come to Vegas in order to entertain and get some pleasure, realize that Vegas culture and traditions differ from the ones, they come f rom. It is possible to get married, earn millions, or lose everything within the shortest period of time. Activities. Gaming activity is probably the major activity to include in vacation to Las Vegas. Many people prefer to visit the city of sins just in order to gamble and get and opportunity to win a bit. Las Vegas casinos are the most captivating sights: The Hard Rock Casino, Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino, or Palazzo Resort Hotel Casino, and other casinos on Las Vegas Boulevard (Herczog 2008). This is why it is important to explain how dangerous and unpredictable the games at casinos can be. However, it is also better to comprehend that the target group is old enough to control own budget and incomes. So, gambling is the activity number one in out vacation list that should happen at day time, because nights have to be spent to enjoy the play of Las Vegas lights and sounds. Many people go outside and observe how amazing the evenings can be: lights of casinos and cinemas and crowds of people make the tourist believe that it is day outside and no one wants to sleep. Another activity that is inherent to the tourists of Las Vegas is shopping and visiting shows. Ecotourism. Travelling to Las Vegas may be of different types; its magnificent buildings, huge and green parks, and amazing alleys provide ecotourists with opportunities to visit this city and develop ecotourism as an integral part of their lives. Ecotourism differs from other form of tourism due to its abilities to improve native citizens’ well-being and to conserve environment (Biederman, 2007). Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is possible to visit Las Vegas Zoo, also known as the Southern Nevada Zoological-Botanical Park, in order to observe exotic animals and enjoy numerous bamboos and cycads. This travel to the zoo helps to forget that you are in the city of casino and to feel yourself as a jungle-person, who observe nature and its riches for the first time. Transportation. In spite of the fact that Las Vegas is almost in the center of a desert, there are many ways to reach this city within a short period of time. The only important step to take is to buy a ticket to airplane and come in time to the airport. It does not matter what state/city you are coming from, trip over the air does not take too much time: a couple of hours, and you are in Las Vegas. Travels by airplanes are expensive indeed, but still, all those comfort, saved time, and services cost this money and do not make a traveler being bothered about something. Local transportation within the city allows getting a cap any time; however, if a person is a member of my target group, a comfortable bus is already waiting for you to take to the most interesting places of Vegas. Minibuses, taxi, or monorail are available for tourists 24/7; and if a tourist loses his/her way or wants to get to his/her apartments as soon as possible, it is possible to spend some money and use some of the above-mentioned transport. Travel agent vs. online travel site The role of travel agents is crucial indeed: they ensure connection between travelers and travel vendors like airlines, hotels, and transport. When a person wants to visit Las Vegas for the first time, it is crucially important to use the services of travel agents in order to become aware about possible challenges of this vacation, about places, where some help or support can be found out, and about people, who can help, when it is necessary. With the help of tour operators, a tourist can learn the prices and foresee possible money spending. In comparison to online travel site , the work of travel agents and tour operators seems to be more reliable and safer. Online sites may present interesting and necessary information about Las Vegas, provide with the necessary maps and facts. However, if a person loses its way or is not sure to use this service or not, online site cannot offer a good solution, because, there are only some general facts and some general suggestions. Traveler-beginners should feel that their vacation is under someone’s care, and if some unpredictable situation takes place, there will be a person, who is responsible for all this and is able to offer an appropriate way out. My role as a travel agent is very significant, because I try to do my best in order to offer the best vacations ever, and Las Vegas is a good point to start with. Reference List Benson, S. (2008). Las Vegas: City Guide. Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet Publication Pty Ltd. Benson, S. (2007). Las Vegas. Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet Publication Pty Ltd. Biederman, P. S. (2007). Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Herczog, M. (2008). Frommer’s Las Vegas 2009. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Moehring, E. P. Green, M. S. (2005). Las Vegas: A Centennial History. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press. Weaver, D. B. (2007). Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Ltd.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Toltec Empire - Semi-Mythical Legend of the Aztecs

Toltec Empire - Semi-Mythical Legend of the Aztecs The Toltecs and the Toltec Empire is a semi-mythical legend reported by the Aztecs that appears to have had some reality in prehispanic Mesoamerica. But the evidence for its existence as a cultural entity is conflicting and contradictory. The empire, if thats what it was (and it probably was not), has been at the heart of a longstanding debate in archaeology: where is the ancient city of Tollan, a city described by the Aztecs in oral and pictorial histories as the center of all art and wisdom? And who were the Toltecs, the legendary rulers of this glorious city? The Aztec Myth Aztec oral histories and their surviving codexes describe the Toltecs as wise, civilized, wealthy urban people  who lived in Tollan, a city filled with buildings made of jade and gold. The Toltecs, said the historians, invented all the arts and sciences of Mesoamerica, including the Mesoamerican calendar; they were led by their wise king Quetzalcoatl. For the Aztecs, the Toltec leader was the ideal ruler, a noble warrior who was learned in the history and priestly duties of Tollan, and had the qualities of military and commercial leadership. The Toltec rulers led a warrior society that included a storm god (Aztec  Tlaloc or Maya  Chaac), with Quetzalcoatl at the heart of the origin myth. The Aztec leaders claimed they were descendants of the Toltec leaders, establishing a semi-divine right to rule. The Myth of Quetzalcoatl The Aztec accounts of the Toltec myth say that Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl [reported by the Aztecs in the 15th century to have been born in the year 1 Reed, 843 AD and died 52 years later in the year 1 Reed, 895], was a wise, old humble king who taught his people to write and measure time, to work gold, jade and feathers, to grow cotton, dye it and weave it into fabulous mantles, and to raise maize and cacao. He built four houses for fasting and prayer and a temple with beautiful columns carved with serpent reliefs. But his piety excited anger among the sorcerers of Tollan, who were intent on destroying his people. The sorcerers tricked Quetzalcoatl into drunken behavior that shamed him so he fled east, reaching the edge of the sea. There, dressed in divine feathers and a turquoise mask, he burned himself up and rose into the sky, becoming the morning star. Aztec accounts dont all agree: at least one says that Quetzalcoatl destroyed Tollan as he left, burying all the marvelous things and burning everything else. He changed the cacao trees to mesquite and sent the birds to Anahuac, another legendary land at the edge of the water. The story as recounted by Bernardino Sahagunwho certainly had his own agendasays that Quetzalcoatl fashioned a raft of serpents and sailed across the sea. Sahagun was a Spanish Franciscan friar, and he and other chroniclers are today believed to have created the myth associating Quetzalcoatl with the conquistador  Cortesbut thats another story. Toltecs and Desirà ©e Charnay The site of Tula in Hidalgo state was first equated with Tollan in the archaeological sense in the late 19th centurythe Aztecs were ambivalent about which set of ruins was Tollan, although Tula was certainly one. French expeditionary photographer Desirà ©e Charnay raised money to follow the legendary journey of Quetzalcoatl from Tula eastward to the Yucatan peninsula. When he arrived at the Maya capital of Chichà ©n Itz, he noticed serpent columns and a ball court ring that reminded him of those he had seen at Tula, 1300 kilometers (800 miles) northwest of Chichen. Charnay had read the 16th century Aztec accounts and noted that the Toltec were thought by the Aztecs to have created civilization, and he interpreted the architectural and stylistic similarities to mean that the capital city of the Toltecs  was Tula, with Chichen Itza its remote and conquered colony; and by the 1940s, a majority of archaeologists did too. But since that time, archaeological and historical evidence has shown that to be problematic. Problems, and a Trait List There are lots of problems trying to associate Tula or any other specific set of ruins as Tollan. Tula was fairly large but it didnt have much control over its close neighbors, let alone long distances. Teotihuacan, which definitely was large enough to be reckoned an empire, was long gone by the 9th century. There are lots of places throughout Mesoamerica with linguistic references to Tula or Tollan or Tullin or Tulan: Tollan Chollolan is the full name for Cholula, for example, which has some Toltec aspects. The word seems to mean something like place of reeds. And even though the characteristic traits identified as Toltec appear at many sites along the Gulf Coast and elsewhere, there isnt much evidence for military conquest; the adoption of Toltec traits appears to have been selective, rather than imposed. Traits identified as Toltec include temples with colonnaded galleries; tablud-tablero architecture; chacmools and ball courts; relief sculptures with various versions of the mythical Quetzalcoatl jaguar-serpent-bird icon; and relief images of predatory animals and raptorial birds holding human hearts. There are also atlantean pillars with images of men in the Toltec military outfit (also seen in chacmools): wearing pillbox helmets and butterfly-shaped pectorals and carrying atlatls. There is also a form of government that is part of the Toltec package, a council-based government rather than a centralized kingship, but where that arose is anybodys guess. Some of the Toltec traits can be traced to the Early Classic period, of 4th century AD or even earlier. Current Thinking It seems clear that although there is no real consensus among the archaeological community about the existence of a single Tollan or a specific Toltec Empire that can be identified, there was some sort of inter-regional flow of ideas throughout Mesoamerica that archaeologists have named Toltec. Its possible, perhaps likely, that much of that flow of ideas came about as a byproduct of the establishment of inter-regional trade networks, trade networks including such materials as obsidian and salt which were established by the 4th century AD (and probably much earlier) but really kicked into gear after the fall of Teotihuacan in 750 AD. So, the word Toltec should be removed from the word empire, certainly: and perhaps the best way to look at the concept is as a Toltec ideal, an art style, philosophy and form of government that acted as the exemplary center of all that was perfect and longed for by the Aztecs, an ideal echoed at other sites and cultures throughout Mesoamerica. Sources This article is part of the guide to Aztecs, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. The collected articles in Kowaleski and Kristan-Graham (2011), based on a Dumbarton Oaks symposium, are highly recommended for getting a grasp on the Toltecs. Berdan FF. 2014. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press. Coggins C. 2002. Toltec. RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics 42(Autumn, 2002):34-85. Gillespie S. 2011. Toltics, Tula, and Chichà ©n Itz: The Development of an Archaeological Myth. In: Kowalski JK, and Kristan-Graham C, editors. Twin Tollans: Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World. Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks. p 85-127. Kepecs SM. 2011. Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and the Epiclassic/Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World System. In: Kowalski JK, and Kristan-Graham C, editors. Twin Tollans: Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World. Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks. p 130-151. Kowalski JK, and Kristan-Graham C. 2007. Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and Tollan: Chaning Perspectives on a Recurring Problem in Mesoamerican Archaeology and Art History. In: Kowalski JK, and Kristan-Graham C, editors. Twin Tollans: Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World. Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks. p 13-83. Kowalski JK, and Kristan-Graham C, editors. 2011. Twin Tollans: Chichà ©n Itz, Tula and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World. Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks. Ringle WM, Gallareta Negron T, and Bey GJ. 1998. The return of Quetzalcoatl: Evidence for the spread of a world religion during the Epiclassic period. Ancient Mesoamerica 9:183-232. Smith ME. 2016. Toltec Empire. In: MacKenzie JM, editor. The Encyclopedia of Empire. London: John Wiley Sons, Ltd. Smith ME. 2011. The Aztecs, 3rd edition. Oxford: Blackwell. Smith ME. 2003. Comments on the historicity of Topoilzin Quetzalcoatl, Tollan, and the Toltecs. Nahua Newsletter.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discuss the logics, illogics, meanings, function, or non functions of Essay

Discuss the logics, illogics, meanings, function, or non functions of war from an anthropological viewpoint - Essay Example The matters of anthropological discussion are the individual motivations, socio-cultural purposes, biological predispositions, and causal significance manifest in warfare (Peter, Ember and Human Relations Area Files 415). For example, in Yanomani territory, there lived uncontested Yanomani known as Moxateteu that had the highest population of illegal gold miners. The gold miners, who were illegally working in yanomani, transmitted deadly diseases such as malaria and caused pollution in forests and rivers with mercury. Ecological models illustrated that war had a constructive feedback for smaller scale communities by exercising a hidden role in intervening relationships with the surrounding. However, warfare was ethnographically considered to maintain a space between settlements and therefore, prevented the degradation of the resources. Lastly, the models of socio culture developed the fact that some social organization encouraged people to war as illustrated by (Lockard 944). The opp osed constitution clan and linage groupings were practiced to create perennial tensions that might result into war. Nevertheless, the inadequacies of such models become very clear when clarifying the meanings and motivations that warriors gave to their acts.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case study analysis and action plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study analysis and action plan - Essay Example Obviously, her diet is disproportionate to her requirement, and the excess calorie in her diet is contributing to her weight gain. From the history it is apparent that she is binge eating, and given her psychological history, it may be a case of bulimia nervosa (Schlesier-Carter et al., 1989). Since she is ready for a change, a dietary analysis would be needed to examine the imbalance between her current dietary pattern and the requirement for her age, profession, and stature. More importantly, if she is going to an exercise regimen, it would be needed to advise her how much weight she must reduce (Grilo, Masheb, and Berman, 2001). This can be done through the reduction of caloric requirement, and the new dietary advice must contain the maximum permissible calories without affecting the energy requirement. Since bulimia is the suspected cause, there must be provision for handling these issues through appropriate psychotherapeutic interventions (Stice and Fairburn, 2003). As per UK reference values, Susan belongs to the adult age group, and hence her energy requirements are lower, so are the requirements of energy will be lower, although they vary according to age, gender, and activity level. With the data provided, Susans BMI would be 30.86, which as per references is class I obesity (Buttriss, 2000). Taking the ideal BMI to be 20 to 24.9, for Susan, it would be ideal to keep a target of 22 as the BMI, and to achieve that she will have to bring her weight back to 56 kg. This means she will have to lose about 23 kg of weight. She is a secretary by profession, hence her lifestyle may be considered as sedentary. Diet analysis of Susan indicates that she has consumed 2765.24 Kcal on an average per day (Swan, 2004). This comes from on an average of 672 g of carbohydrate and related food consumed including sugar and starch. According to