Monday, March 9, 2020

Looking At The Human Rights Policys In Australia Social Work Essay Essays

Looking At The Human Rights Policys In Australia Social Work Essay Essays Looking At The Human Rights Policys In Australia Social Work Essay Essay Looking At The Human Rights Policys In Australia Social Work Essay Essay This paper will research the human rights issue of Autochthonal disadvantage in Australia. In peculiar I am interested in Autochthonal Unemployment and stoping Autochthonal disadvantage through the GenerationOne societal motion. As portion of work for this paper I have actively participated in fall ining the motion every bit good as acquiring involved by directing my thoughts on farther publicity for this run. This paper will critically analyze the action which I have taken and mensurate it against a human rights based attack. Presently in the media there is an on-line run active which is called GenerationOne . It is the creative activity of billionaire excavation baron Andrew Forrest and is led by former Labor Party national run manager Tim Gartrell. It is financially supported by other extremely recognized concern leaders such as James Packer, Kerry Stokes and Lindsay Fox to call a few. It is aimed at eliminating the inequality and disadvantage of laden and marginalised Indigenous groups. The run is a response to a impression that there needs to be great alteration in this state to stop all Autochthonal disadvantages peculiarly environing the high rates of Autochthonal unemployment. It is foregrounding the fact that instruction can be a tool for stoping Autochthonal disadvantage. GenerationOne is the topographic point for Australians to let go of their passion, in three chief countries: instruction, occupations and job-ready preparation. This cause is personally relevant to me as I have worked extensively in the yesteryear with immature Indigenous Youth. I besides worked with ATSIC ( Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission ) before it was abolished. My work with Indigenous Youth in the interior metropolis of Sydney alerted me to high rate of Autochthonal unemployment. The young person that I worked closely with were unmotivated and felt suppressed by their disadvantage. In most instances it was generational with many of the Indigenous young person turning up with households who were reliant entirely on Government benefits. There was a high rate of high school dropouts and I ran several out of school plans with these young person to seek and promote them to remain at school and go on their instruction. GenerationOne promoted their cause through several mediums of the media. These included several advertizements on telecasting and wireless every bit good as a roadshow. The roadshow has been extended for one month due to the response from the populace. The roadshow has travelled all over Australia sing major metropoliss every bit good as towns with a high Autochthonal population. The purpose of this is to travel from community to community to raise consciousness and set frontward the chances that are at that place to work together to back up employment, to back up concern, to back up autochthonal Australians that have been disadvantaged. The run is being portrayed in a positive manner through different signifiers of media Nationwide. The group has set up a Youtube channel ( Generation One TVC ) every bit good as advertizements on the major webs on telecasting The merely negative thing I saw in relation to the human rights issue of stoping Autochthonal disadvantage was when I was watching the NRL on the 7th May, Channel Nine cut the Welcome to the state ceremonial being performed senior Joy Murphy. It made me inquiry this negative illustration of media in coming up against the work that GenerationOne is really seeking to accomplish. The response on the Facebook web site ( 2010 ) has been promoting with a batch of people seting themselves behind this grass roots motion. People both Indigenous and non-Indigenous are saying that they feel it is about clip to stop the disparity. There have been great argument and treatment on the Facebook page approximately ways in which instruction and preparation can assist eliminate this societal job. The most relevant human rights compact under which this issue falls is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . In Australia, we have the Australian Human Rights Commission ( HREOC ) . The Human Rights Commission ( HREOC ) web site ( 2010 ) states that the The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( ICCPR ) besides prohibits favoritism before the jurisprudence on any land such as race, coloring material, sex, linguistic communication, faith, political or other sentiment, national or societal beginning, belongings, birth or other position ( article 26 ) . The United Nations adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Autochthonal Peoples. This declaration recognizes equality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and the rights of Autochthonal peoples. As being pertinent to the cause of stoping Autochthonal disadvantage it reaffirms that Autochthonal people can set up themselves in regard to political, economic and societal sweeteni ng in order to stop all favoritism and subjugation wherever it may happen. The UN besides affirms that nil in this declaration can take away from the rights to self-government of the Autochthonal people. As good we have the Convention Refering Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation ( International Labour Organisation Convention figure 111 ) . This compact was ratified in Australia on the 15th June, 1973 and is filed under: C111 Discrimination ( Employment and Occupation ) Convention, 1958. ( International Labour Organisation ( ILO ) ) . In Australia, we have the Australian Human Rights Commission ( HREOC ) . I foremost became cognizant of this run in March when I saw an advertizement on the telecasting and besides saw an article in the Sydney Morning by Gibson and Howard ( 2010 ) . The newspaper article was about the coming together of extremely influential people ( viz. James Packer, Andrew Twiggy Forrest and Kerry Stokes ) at the Opera House. They were doing a pledge to assist close the spread and stop the disparity between non-Indigenous and Autochthonal Aussies. I found this issue peculiarly relevant to me because of my background working with Autochthonal communities. I besides have two immature kids who will turn to see the disparity between the non-Indigenous and Autochthonal people if something is now done now. I want my kids to be taught that everyone is equal. History has non shown this to be true and I hope that instruction in our schools can include the history of the Autochthonal Australians. I believe that cooperation from all should be encouraged over the coming old ages to reconstruct equality and I will be explicating all sides to my kids. Harmonizing to Bennett all citizens of this state are every bit eligible to all awards, topographic points and employments, harmonizing to their different abilities, without other differentiation than that of their virtuousnesss and endowments ( 1999:7 ) Australian society can be responsible for doing this alteration and stoping the divide between non-Indigenous and Autochthonal people. It is a countrywide attack that is needed. GenerationOne is about traveling frontward as one state. Society on a whole can non be coherent without engagement of everyone in it. Australian society can come together and do the dreams of Autochthonal people to take part in instruction, preparation and employment. There has been a history of Autochthonal activism most notably that of the Mabo instance. Important surveies have documented facets of historical activism ( Attwood, 2003 ) . Yet there remains unusually small literature that explores the modern-day societal motion activism that is still trying to accomplish these rights. Histories have been recorded, alteration has been documented and rights articulated, but much remains to be done to enter the experiences and positions of autochthonal militants themselves. While political sentiment is divided refering both the causes of, and solutions to, this state of affairs, there is some consensus around the impression that any effectual solutions must be arrived at and delivered by autochthonal peoples themselves. Militants will be cardinal to accomplishing and presenting better results for Autochthonal peoples. Militants are unable to portion their cognition and positions with one other if they avoid struggle by staying isolated from one anot her in their several webs. A deficiency of connexion between militants with differing positions diminishes the motion as a whole. This is why GenerationOne, being a countrywide grassroots motion, can see militants from all parts of the Australia come together to advance one cause which is to stop Autochthonal disadvantage. The inquiry I asked myself was how is my engagement traveling to alter this state of affairs? I understand though that I can go on my action manner beyond what is the clip kingdom of this session. Therefore, the action that I have taken during the current session of survey to go involved in this issue has been to subscribe up and go an active member in the GenerationOne on-line motion. I have signed an on-line request to assist eliminate the disparity between non-Indigenous and Autochthonal Australians. I have besides joined their Facebook fan Page and have sent out an invitation to all of my contacts through Facebook to fall in the motion besides. Social working can be the fastest manner to link with people to acquire the word out and in this instance advance the run. The current coevals are technologically literate and so I think the on-line motion is a great manner to advance alteration. It is a fast and effectual manner to be active in your community both local and national. Another thought I had was to acquire in contact with the people behind GenerationOne and inquire them if they had promoted the cause through the Koori Mail. I thought that sing this run had been to a great extent covered in mainstream newspapers ( SMH, Telegraph ) that it would make good in the Koori Mail with the high population of Autochthonal readers. I wrote an electronic mail saying that I was a societal work pupil desiring to assist the cause. I let them cognize that I had had old experience working with Autochthonal Communities in Sydney particularly immature people as my function as a Youth Worker. I enquired as to whether they had promoted ( I had researched on the cyberspace and found no entries ) GenerationOne through the Koori Mail. I explained that I would wish to assist organize this if possible. This was their response via electronic mail: Hey Jodie, This is amazing. We have really been in contact with the Koori Mail and we will in future. This is a great thought. Have you besides signed up to the website and you can travel to the media subdivision which will demo you all our articles. It would be great if you could subscribe up to the web site and promote your uni friends and all your other friends to subscribe up every bit good. Will maintain in touch. Cheers Gen1 My response to them was yes, that I had signed up to the motion and notified my friends to besides make the same and that I would appreciate if they let me cognize any farther development. I emailed them a twosome of hebdomads subsequently to inquire whether there had been any farther development on this. This is the response via electronic mail that I got: Hi Jodie, As I said below we are speaking to Koori mail and will be seting something in. We do nt desire to hotfoot it and desire to acquire a good narrative. We are making an interview with Tania Major this forenoon on Koori Radio 1030am and they will play out the Bob Geldof address from Brisbane. We are decidedly acquiring at that place the roadshow is extended for another month so we have some clip up our arms. We will draw something together as asap Respects Kate My hope is that they give me the chance to demo my support to the cause by leting me to assist organize this media coverage. I await their response. I believe that by my being cognizant of this human rights issue and subsequent run is action in itself. It makes me believe about this issue on a day-to-day footing which so affects my ideas when I may read something or come across something on the telecasting By definition the function of societal workers is a human rights worker. Social workers help to gain person s rights every twenty-four hours. Autochthonal communities are really frequently social work clients . Calma ( 2008 ) recognises that as societal workers we will necessitate to travel towards a rights based pattern to develop single capacity. The values and rules of human self-respect and self worth in the Social Workers Code of Ethics, already seem to construct a base for a human rights based societal work pattern. The human rights based attack can be seen as most of import when working with the Indigenous community. It is critical for us as societal workers to perpetrate to the cardinal rules of societal work to help Autochthonal people to make their human rights. Elsewhere I have stated that I chose to research Autochthonal disadvantage as a human rights issue because of my history of working with the Indigenous community. The disparity that is apparent and that I have witnessed firsthand has led me to go really passionate about seeking to set an terminal to it. When I found the GenerationOne run I was interested that a adult male from a non-Indigenous background had performed such a undertaking as doing a connexion with both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous people of this state. By conveying people together no affair what their background is to organize a corporate voice can be one of the most powerful signifiers of activism. I understand that everything is non evident at surface degree and that that merely after turn overing up my arms and acquiring genuinely involved in a human rights motion will I appreciate the results and the sense of fulfilment that comes with engagement. Having cognition of the political, societal and theoretical for ces that influence such human rights issue such as Autochthonal disadvantage, will let me to understand the work and gimmick nuances which may be overlooked. Unfortunately clip in this instance has non allowed me to to the full dig into this issue to my full extent. I will follow up with the action I have taken and seek to my best ability see it through if allowed to. Working with Indigenous people/communities allows me to research my anti-oppressive work. Thompson ( 2003 ) defines the results of favoritism to be subjugation. Autochthonal people have been discriminated against for old ages. This entrenched favoritism becomes of import when we look at the current coevals of Indigenous young person fighting to go on their instruction and finally acquire a occupation. I believe that the societal work profession must work towards eliminating subjugation ( Domenilli, 2002 ) . I agree that anti-oppressive pattern is an effectual societal work pattern tool for deriving a better apprehension of the Autochthonal people and the marginalization and exclusion from mainstream society. I say this in respects to employment and preparation and holding the same entree to instruction so as to be able to take part in society by deriving meaningful employment. It can besides maximise the potency of societal work to advance societal justness. I do nt believe I have done plenty in respects to affecting myself in this peculiar issue. I feel I could hold gone one measure further and involved myself with a local young person group and possibly put up a workshop or talk with a outstanding Indigenous concern individual or sportsperson to take part in mentoring these immature people. If I had were non time-bound I could hold organised this and I feel that my state of affairs at place hindered me in go oning farther. When nearing this issue I was cognizant that coming from a rights-based attack was manner in which I needed to see it. Bing cognizant of the fact that working from a human rights position required a praxis preparation ( Ife, 2008 ) . Knowing the history behind this cause has given me adequate information to set the theory into my pattern. Although theory and pattern has for some clip been seen as two separate entities, over the old ages it is seen more and more to be good for societal work pattern to develop in this manner. I agree with Ife when he states that we learn by making and we do by larning ( 2008, p160 ) . I have learned a batch through the action I have taken in respects to this human rights issue. I have discovered that it is an ethically disputing subject which I have confronted but have non felt out of my deepness. By working through any ethical quandary which I may hold had has helped me place privileges every bit good as unseeable ways in which I comply with dominant political orientation. Through self contemplation of my feelings, values, and beliefs it has allowed me to face subjugation and back up my life-long learning/professional development. By affecting myself in this grass motion I feel that I have challenged myself as a societal work pupil and have seen merely what I am capable of in respects to activism. It is non about being afraid to set myself out at that place but about being passionate for the cause with I support and acquiring the most out it that I can. I believe this will assist me farther in my calling. Decision In decision, Autochthonal people have faced jobs with their battle for equality of chance. They have faced a life-time of exclusion from mainstream society. With GenerationOne the hope is that this will be the coevals to stop all disparity and work towards assisting the Autochthonal people to be self-determinate. I have gained a batch of knowing experience by fall ining this human rights run and I hope to go on my work with them.

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